If you have happened to stumble upon this blog I will be very happy and humbled for you to read it and comment!
My name's Betty Bearfoot. I'm sure you've heard of me.
If not - then read on.
Pssh! Whatever! Do what you like, the internet's a free place. Just watch out for those Elders Of The Internet, the cheeky bastards.

Monday, 16 April 2012

Acoustic Rave At The Croft

Hello. In my last post I promised I'd write a little review about that acoustic set I went to last Wednesday. So here it is:

The overall night was something that I'm not used to at all. It was very intimate. So intimate in fact that it was occasionally an avoid-awkward eye-contact-with-guy-on-stage kinda situation. In any case it was still absolutely delightful. The audience was really small but that made it perfectly suited for the laid-back acoustic sets.There's sometimes nothing nicer than just being able to chill and watch a band play, rather than being tussled about in a sweat-filled pit. The music was really refreshing, maybe because I've never gone to an acoustic night before. It was powerful in places and emotional in others. Usually however it was pretty hilarious, mainly because the audience was never bigger than about thirty people, which meant that everyone was really relaxed and cracking pretty bad jokes.

The first act on was Syren City, the four them were contented to sit on....were they fruit boxes? I don't know the technical name. Apart from that, they really looked the part, with their smart black ties. I really enjoyed their set and was kindly given their EP which has some real tunes on it! I would say it's kinda pop-rocky.

Here they are! At The Croft! What a lucky coincidence.

Next up was The People The Poet, formerly known as Tiger Please. These guys were great but before I knew it, their set was over! They were joined on stage by Greta Isaac - I believe that's her name, correct me if I'm wrong, as I may have misheard. In any case, she had an absolutely angelic voice. I believe I may have discovered my knew favourite band. I bought TPTP's albums: 'They Don't Change Under Moonlight' and 'Thank You For Today' and of course it's cliché but I've been listening to them none stop. I would say they're a mixture of acoustic folk - but without the Banjo - and with a hint of rock.

The last two acts were solo performances. Neil Starr from Attack! Attack! and Gavin Butler from The Blackout. I honestly don't know much about these two bands but I could tell they're very popular from the amount of band tees I saw floating around the audience. I've seen The Blackout once before  - Whip My Hair by Willow Smith being a very memorable cover - and they certainly aren't an acoustic band by nature. However both Neil Starr and Gavin Butler were both brilliantly entertaining and have amazing voices, which  you sometimes don't expect from rock bands.

Last Wednesday was certainly a night to be cherished. For a casual night out where I didn't know what to expect, it was very memorable. I've discovered new artists and unearthed a passion for acoustic music!

Thank you to Finn for dragging me out of my house.

Friday, 13 April 2012

It's been too long.

(I was going to title this post, 'A Summary Or Should I Say...An Eastery!?' But then I knew that I would regret calling it that pretty much straight away).

It's been over a month since my last post, that's disappointing.
Well at least that means I have lots of things to tell so hopefully I can make the most of the remaining days of this glorious Easter holiday and write for you a couple of times.

Bare with me...I'm a bit rusty.

Hello there.

Well firstly let me just say, I haven't neglected my writing entirely. I wrote a few things for my school website. Oh the joys! You can read all the articles here if any of you would kindly be interested. I talked a bit about the Kony video (you remember that campaign which went crazy a couple of weeks ago? It really did tie in nicely with my last blog post!) and tried to explain why it wasn't all that it made out to be. I also reviewed a recent Florence & The Machine concert and wrote about many now outdated 'current' affairs. Please ignore all the really awful photos.


Here are two songs for you as a happy, belated Easter present. Shock horror! I actually heard both of these on Radio 1 and loved them.

I think it was Huw Stephens who played the above and he hit the nail right on the head when he made this his 'sunsetter' track. It took quite a bit of finding afterwards! Especially when you only have the word 'lambchop' to go by on.

They next track I believe is a new one by Kanye West. To be honest, for some unknown reason, I am going through a big KW phase at the moment. I just can't get enough of his music. He's so artistic and creative and inspiring and..and..and....geniuslike. *fangirlsigh*

Let me know what you think.


On Wednesday night I went to an acoustic gig at The Croft in Bristol. It featured Gavin Butler from The Blackout and Neil Starr from Attack! Attack! and was supported by Syren City and The People The Poet. It was bloody brilliant! You can look forward to me telling you all about it in my next post coming up shortly. I promise!

Second lastly: Heads up to Finn. If anybody wants her number let me know.