If you have happened to stumble upon this blog I will be very happy and humbled for you to read it and comment!
My name's Betty Bearfoot. I'm sure you've heard of me.
If not - then read on.
Pssh! Whatever! Do what you like, the internet's a free place. Just watch out for those Elders Of The Internet, the cheeky bastards.

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

The Woes Of Life Won't Be Here

I've been thinking.
("Really? You've been thinking? Shock horror." Shush, you, inner monologue.)

Yes, I have been thinking.
This blog is troubling me, my problem is that I don't feel like my blog is serious enough. I feel maybe I should be using it to address the serious problems happening in the world. That I should be speaking out. That I should be typing more angrily LIKE THIS. Stressing my woes about society. Fixing everything. Putting the world to right through my insignificant blog.

But, the issue with this is: I don't want to.

My conscience is telling me; YES I should be writing depressing posts about the state of the current climate but my heart is saying; NO, write as many frivolous articles as you can. The world needs more waffle in the world!

(Although I think politicians do enough of that for everyone. *cough* Boris Johnson *cough* - I love that man. He really proves why private education is worthwhile..)

Oh look I'm blathering on again!
But you know what? I don't care.
We all read/listen to/watch the news which is basically an obituary. We experience enough hardship in our lives without needing more people ranting on about miserable things in blogs.

So I'm going to post irrelevant, ignorant but hopefully entertaining posts and if you want to read them you can, without the worry that you will either weep or curse humanity.

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