If you have happened to stumble upon this blog I will be very happy and humbled for you to read it and comment!
My name's Betty Bearfoot. I'm sure you've heard of me.
If not - then read on.
Pssh! Whatever! Do what you like, the internet's a free place. Just watch out for those Elders Of The Internet, the cheeky bastards.

Saturday, 24 December 2011

"The best laid schemes of mice and men go often askew."

I would just like to wish everyone a very merry Christmas, whatever you do or whatever you celebrate!

On this wonderful Christmas eve, I thought I would write about how the best things in life aren't planned. What I mean is, I find that the less I organise an event the better it tends to be. Spontaneity leads to wonderful surprises and unexpected moments that we often cherish for a long time. Instead of planning every step you take, be impulsive! A mapped out path is safe but a winding, twisting detour leads to better adventure. 

Which is like my blog, I'm not planning it. I just write as I go along. So it maybe a bit unstructured and a little hickledy-pickledy but it's more fun for me to write and hopefully a little less drab for you to read. 

So why am I writing about this? Well for me, I hate planning. People often ask me those annoying questions like; "Where shall we go?","How are you getting home?" and "How long are you going to be?". My answer, "I don't know!" Often followed by, "I'll figure it out when we get there."

And usually I do figure it out, I just like to see where the day's events will take me first. This is especially true on a night out. When one chooses their club for the night and sticks to it, one never experiences anything brilliantly unexpected. I like to see what Mr. Fate has in store for me and where I'll end up.

This is what happened the last time I went out.
We started the night drinking Malibu and Coke outside a closed Starbucks...yes, classy. Before strolling through town and finally I managed to get a close look at the street art (see below) which I drive by so often. We took some amazing photos.

Art work from the 'See No Evil' project.

Off we then headed to a bar which we'd always wanted to check out and in the process found a new favourite haunt. Before eventually heading to our intended destination, meeting some interesting individuals on the way!

After clubbing it out for a couple of hours, we grabbed a pizza and sat outside in the freezing cold waiting for our journey home. It wasn't until I got on the night bus that the fun really started, when some plonker decided to head butt another in the nose. This led to an hour's wait on a stationary bus in the middle of the morning, jammed pack full of rowdy townies. We, on the bus, in our semi-drunken/sobering-up state were united against the cause of the conductor who failed to stop the 'fight' in the first place, declaring our need for sleep and food. At 4:30 in the morning, and in just a little bit of pain, we jogged half-heartedly back to my mate's house. At the end of the night, at 5am, I ended up eating hot mash whilst watching How I Met Your Mother - it was a glorious moment.

 And just because it's such a beautiful and almost new Christmas song...

Thursday, 15 December 2011

A very long-winded post.

Well hello!

I'm afraid it's been quite a while since my last post and I have only myself to blame. That and time. Yes! Haven't the weeks just whizzed around? It always does towards the end of the year. Maybe it's the shorter days or perhaps in the run up to Christmas everyone starts becoming that little more stressed. I can't believe I'm saying this already but.....Merry Christmas!

So anyway, I've survived! (well almost...I've finally come down with a cold) A whole term of college is over! And this forthcoming spring term will be my penultimate, isn't that a little bit scary?

So how can I summarise over a month's worth of events into a single long-winded post? Well I can't! Now I have the time to do something productive rather than wasting my time twittering away or poking people's faces. I can actually catch up and write some 'interesting' and 'noteworthy' new posts. I have plenty of ideas that I want to share with you all!

Anyway, here are a couple of titbits about my past month:

  • I failed my driving test for the second time. I don't want to rant - I've done that enough already - but I had the same driving examiner twice and I swear he made excuses to fail me. Who else fails for stalling? In case you've never had the delight of failing a ludicrously expensive test, let me tell you, it feels like shit (excuse my French) and it's even worse the second time around.
  • But I did get one of those golden tickets to see Coldplay in June. (Shock horror!) That was a challenge in itself! I was so close to not getting any but thank God I did. Good ol' Coldplay Karma finally pays off.
  • I've received three offers from my chosen unis and I just wrote an absolutely horrific entrance essay for UCL - fingers crossed everybody, please!
  • Finally, I saw Example for the third time last week and for free! I have such lovurrrly friends!

Honestly, this wasn't intended to be long-winded but I guess I just had so much to tell you all. If you got this far, congrats!

And I'll leave you with the best Christmas song everrrr! (controversial for some, I know.)