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My name's Betty Bearfoot. I'm sure you've heard of me.
If not - then read on.
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Thursday, 15 December 2011

A very long-winded post.

Well hello!

I'm afraid it's been quite a while since my last post and I have only myself to blame. That and time. Yes! Haven't the weeks just whizzed around? It always does towards the end of the year. Maybe it's the shorter days or perhaps in the run up to Christmas everyone starts becoming that little more stressed. I can't believe I'm saying this already but.....Merry Christmas!

So anyway, I've survived! (well almost...I've finally come down with a cold) A whole term of college is over! And this forthcoming spring term will be my penultimate, isn't that a little bit scary?

So how can I summarise over a month's worth of events into a single long-winded post? Well I can't! Now I have the time to do something productive rather than wasting my time twittering away or poking people's faces. I can actually catch up and write some 'interesting' and 'noteworthy' new posts. I have plenty of ideas that I want to share with you all!

Anyway, here are a couple of titbits about my past month:

  • I failed my driving test for the second time. I don't want to rant - I've done that enough already - but I had the same driving examiner twice and I swear he made excuses to fail me. Who else fails for stalling? In case you've never had the delight of failing a ludicrously expensive test, let me tell you, it feels like shit (excuse my French) and it's even worse the second time around.
  • But I did get one of those golden tickets to see Coldplay in June. (Shock horror!) That was a challenge in itself! I was so close to not getting any but thank God I did. Good ol' Coldplay Karma finally pays off.
  • I've received three offers from my chosen unis and I just wrote an absolutely horrific entrance essay for UCL - fingers crossed everybody, please!
  • Finally, I saw Example for the third time last week and for free! I have such lovurrrly friends!

Honestly, this wasn't intended to be long-winded but I guess I just had so much to tell you all. If you got this far, congrats!

And I'll leave you with the best Christmas song everrrr! (controversial for some, I know.)

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