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My name's Betty Bearfoot. I'm sure you've heard of me.
If not - then read on.
Pssh! Whatever! Do what you like, the internet's a free place. Just watch out for those Elders Of The Internet, the cheeky bastards.

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Generic Exam Post & A Little Bit Of Fan-Girling

Goodness me! Well hasn't it been a long time since my last post? Over a month has been and gone already and so where do I begin?

As most of my very small demographic can relate to, I have been incredibly busy procrastinating - sorry - revising for some important, up and coming exams. So for the past couple of weeks very little else has been at the top of my agenda. Therefore, it goes without saying, that although it's been hectic, this past summer term (and also my last) has been pretty dull.

My final day of school - one of the biggest milestones in your life people! - turned out to be a massive anti-climax. However I hope the large quantity of exciting events happening after the exams will make up for that fact.

'After the exams'....only two weeks away! Who would have thought it would come around so soon? Let me just say what everyone else is saying, "I can't wait!"
However we all have these generic feelings, we all have exams, we can all relate, so let's move on.

What I really want to talk about (what I usually end up talking about lately) is Coldplay - if you can't stand that band then this would be a good time to stop reading and go about your daily lives. Although you will miss my fan-girling.

Yes....finally....finally....after 3 years of waiting and lots of blood, sweat but mainly tears, I eventually got to see them again. Monday the 4th of June 2012 at Emirates Stadium. That date will stay in my mind for a long time. Just like Saturday the 19th of September 2009 at Wembley Stadium.

As you can imagine or relate to (if you're lucky enough to have seen them) they are frickin' fantastic. To be honest there aren't any decent adjectives to describe seeing Coldplay live*. I was saying to my friend after the concert, you just have to go and experience them for yourself and perhaps ambivalent fans or even Coldplay haters will be persuaded otherwise.

Now most people might be saying at this point, "I don't care. She's obviously biased."
I am.
But I have also been to a lot of other gigs and concerts on all different scales and so I can gauge CP against others. I have seen some bloody brilliant musicians and some, not so great. Of course personal taste does influence one's perception of enjoyment as well. But Coldplay has always topped my list of best live experiences, ever.
That's why they are one of the biggest bands in the world right now (a phrase thrown around a lot, I know) ....and then in a couple of months they will disappear off the radar again *sigh*.

By tomorrow I will have finished a third of my A levels. It will also have been a week since I saw Coldplay, which perhaps makes it an ideal time to write about their concert. So hopefully a little review will be up soon.

Sweet dreams and I wish everyone with any exams looming loads of good luck!

* Monumental, stupendous, spectacular, phenomenal, mind-blowing, breath-taking, blah, blah, blah.

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