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My name's Betty Bearfoot. I'm sure you've heard of me.
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Saturday, 3 September 2011

Free will or free meal?

The last few weeks have been a hell of a busy time, which is unusual. Most summer holidays I can spend a week or two just twiddling my fingers, looking for something to do but this one has been non-stop. (more on this later)

I'm beginning to reminisce like this because it's one of my last nights as a free woman. On Wednesday I go back to sixth form. Back to the daily grind. The hard slog through timetables, restrictions, coursework, exams and early mornings. Yes, we've all been there. Some of you may still have a while to go. I have one year left and deary me, I can't wait for it to be over. I am completely ready for university. People have said that sixth form is the best years of your life. I disagree. However I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. But how long is this dark tunnel I'm about to enter for the last time? Too long.

My brother has informed me that university is the best time of your life. I hope he is right.

One more year. Just one more year.

However this is how everyone feels at the beginning of a new academic year. Am I right?
After breaking up from school about an eternity ago, I am so completely unwound that going back into the daily routine will be like diving into a pool of icy water, shocking at first, followed by a period of readjustment.

I know however that once I get back into the routine, I enjoy it. Doing A-levels especially means that you can study the subjects that you find interesting, I mean at present I'm struggling to pick one to drop. I get to see all my friends, some of whom I haven't seen all summer and catch up on all the gossip. Plus there's that freshness; new uniform/suit, new stationary, new folder, new leaf.
But most importantly this year, this final year, we're at the top of the school, the superiors, the powerful, the example-setters. Who would have thought?

But even with all my positive thinking I still just can't help chanting:

One more year. Just one more year.

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